Acrylic Primer

Acrylic, adhesive, joining resin, water-based, It is the suitable primer before the application cushion or reservic it is used mainly as primer on asphalt and as primer for jioning old and new concrete and asa primer on surfaces, is applied in thin films 

Acrylic Resurfacer

Repairing acrylic for athletic courts , is acrylic-based one-componet resurfacer for basketball, tennis, volleyball and handball courts smoothens and upgrades rough courts in two or more layers debending on the porosity of the flooring minimizes the cost of reparation of sports grounds 

Acreylic Cushion

Accrylic cushion is acrylic-based, very elastic, coating for sport fields applied on asphalt and waterproofed cement surfaces without rising humidity issues, for the creation of a very elastic extemal and intermal tennes, basketball, handball, football and volleyball courts etc.

Acreylic Slip-Resistant Coating

Acrulic  slip-resistant coating is colored, non-slio coating for surrounding areas in stadiums, traffic education parks, corridors, velodrome etc. applied on asphalt and cemet waterproofed surface after the application of acrylic resurfacer